IMPACT: 10 lessons reducing peer cyberbullying – the psychological aspect
Anna Szuster
Uniwersytet WarszawskiAbstrakt
The article aims to present an application project, IMPACT, whose implementation was founded by the National Centre for Research and Development in 2015–2018. The authors discuss the phenomenon of peer violence, indicate the premises of the research project, together with its outcomes, and present its practical results in the form of ten lessons aimed at preventing negative peer behaviour, especially cyberbullying.
Violence in electronic media is a widespread phenomenon that can be reduced/limited through educational projects that incorporate the phenomenon’s complex psychological mechanisms.
The IMPACT project constitutes an evidence-based set of educational tools which is perceived by its beneficiaries as both attractive and efficient. The project owes its high level of effectiveness foremost to the interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers (psychologists and educators) and practitioners.
Słowa kluczowe:
cyberbullying, peer violence, preventive measures, self-control, empathy, perspective taking, project evaluationBibliografia
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