The vegetarian diet and its relations with the personality of women

Aldona Kozioł

University of Opole

Katarzyna Błońska

University of Opole



The purpose of this study was to determine if vegans, vegetarians, and traditional eaters differ in personality traits and levels of directive behavior.


A study involving 1075 women was conducted. Subjects were tested using the Ray's Directiveness Questionnaire (1981) and the TIPI-PL scale (Sorokowska et al., 2014) constructed to measure Big Five traits.


The results showed that women who eat a vegan diet are characterized by highest level of openness to experience. On the other hand, the lowest is represented by the respondents.The results showed that women who eat a vegan diet have the highest level of openness to experience.


Women on traditional diets present higher levels of conscientiousness in contrast to women on plant-based diets. The highest level of directiveness was obtained by the subjects respondents following a traditional diet.

Słowa kluczowe:

vegetarianism, veganism, personality, directiveness

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Cited By /

Kozioł, A., & Błońska, K. (2021). The vegetarian diet and its relations with the personality of women. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 64(4), 167–176.

Aldona Kozioł 
University of Opole
Katarzyna Błońska 
University of Opole