Light Triad personality, emotional intelligence, and sense of life satisfaction in people in adulthood.

Anna Jankiewicz

Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii

Justyna Michałek-Kwiecień

Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii


The study aimed to analyse the relationship between the personality traits included in the Light Triad (faith in humanity, humanism, kantianism) and emotional intelligence, and to see how these variables relate to life satisfaction in people in adulthood, considering different age groups. The study was conducted on 162 people aged between 18 and 85 years. The scales used were the Light Triad Scale in a Polish adaptation by Gerymski and Krok (2019), the INTE Questionnaire by Schutte and colleagues (1998) in a Polish adaptation by Ciechanowicz, Jaworowska and Matczak (2000), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) Questionnaire by Diener, Emmons, Larson and Griffin (1985) in a Polish adaptation by Juczyński (2001). The results show a statistically significant positive correlation between the Light Triad traits, emotional intelligence, and life satisfaction. The only trait that is not associated with life satisfaction is kantianism. There was also a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and all Light Triad traits. Gender differentiated the study group in terms of emotional intelligence and Light Triad traits, with women scoring higher on this factor, as well as higher levels of humanism and overall Light Triad trait scores. There were intergroup differences by age for the Light Triad traits - the overall score for these traits was higher in late adulthood compared to early adulthood. Levels of faith in humanity were also higher in people aged 55+ than in people aged 18-34. The study also found that emotional intelligence and Light Triad traits explained 23% of the variance in life satisfaction. The study provided important findings on the relatively new and still developing Light Triad personality construct.  It added to the existing pool of research on the correlation with emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence and the Light Triad, in contrast to Dark Triad traits, are associated with higher life satisfaction. 


Light Triad, Dark Triad, emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, adulthood

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Cited by

Jankiewicz, A., & Michałek-Kwiecień, J. (2024). Light Triad personality, emotional intelligence, and sense of life satisfaction in people in adulthood . The Review of Psychology, 67(3), 89–101.

Anna Jankiewicz 
Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii
Justyna Michałek-Kwiecień 
Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Psychologii