Relationship of phubbing to self-esteem in the context of perceived phubbing behavior of parents

Bogumiła Weimann

Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Malwina Cholewa

Paweł Kleka

Uniwersytet Zielonogórski


The increasing number of studies on phubbing inspired the following one. Its purpose
was to test whether phubbing by parents correlates with phubbing by children in adulthood,
whether phubbing by parents is correlated with children's self-esteem (in adulthood), and
whether children's self-esteem is correlated with the level of phubbing they use. The
participants in the study were 107 people from Poland. The authors used the Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale (SES), the Generic Scale of Phubbing (GSP), and self-report questions to
verify phubbing used by the participants’ parents. The results showed a positive correlation
(r = .368, p < .001) between parents' phubbing and children's phubbing, as well as between
children's self-esteem and phubbing used by parents (r = .365, p < .001), and between
children's phubbing and their self-esteem (r = .464, p < .001).

Keywords: phubbing, phubber, self-esteem, parenting, smartphone


phubbing, phubber, self-esteem, parenting, smartphone

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Cited by

Weimann, B., Cholewa, M., & Kleka, P. (2024). Relationship of phubbing to self-esteem in the context of perceived phubbing behavior of parents. The Review of Psychology, 67(3), 59–70.

Bogumiła Weimann 
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Paweł Kleka 
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski