Supportive social interaction as a concept for describing the situation of persons experiencing an infertility crisis

Alicja Malina

Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz


Objective: This article presents the definitions and justification of the necessity to introduce the original concept of supportive social interaction into scholarly discourse. Supportive social interaction is understood as a group interaction encompassing speaking or listening in an informal and judgement-free environment, which is connected with the necessity – and also provides an opportunity – to reciprocally disclose the experiences, needs and personal convictions of the persons participating in the said interaction and leads to a reduction of stress. The differences between traditional approaches to support and supportive social interactions and their significance in the treatment of infertility have been outlined in this article.

Theses: Supportive social interactions, a precondition of which is the occurrence of disclosure, vary in terms of quality and function from support in the traditional sense of the word. They are also a source of stress reduction in the process of treating infertility using assisted reproductive technologies.

Conclusion: Supportive social interactions are increasingly important in the context of infertility treatment. The proposed concept is an essential element describing the functioning of persons experiencing an infertility crisis.


Supportive social interactions, social support, infertility, disclosure

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Cited by

Malina, A. (2023). Supportive social interaction as a concept for describing the situation of persons experiencing an infertility crisis. The Review of Psychology, 66(3), 81–93.

Alicja Malina 
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz