Reviewing rules
- Each article submitted to THE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY via the journal's online platform: is initially evaluated by the Editorial Team. If the paper does not meet the initial qualification criteria, it is rejected and the submitting author is informed accordingly. If the manuscript meets the initial qualification criteria, it undergoes the peer review procedure.
- Editorial Team appoints two independent reviewers who are experts in a given field and do not have any conflicts of interest.
- The review is conducted on the journal's online platform, with the use of the provided form, and it concludes with the reviewer's statement that the paper is suitable for publication in its present form, that the paper requires a minor revision or a major revision, or that the paper should be rejected. The reviewer can justify his/her decision in the review.
- Articles that receive two negative reviews are rejected. If one review is negative, the Editorial Team decides whether to reject the paper or to refer it to another independent reviewer or a member of the Scientific Committee for an additional opinion regarding publication.
- The reviewed manuscript, the reviews and the Editorial Team’s comments are forwarded to the author. The author should respond in writing to the comments made by the reviewers and the Editorial Team, and should indicate whether he/she agrees fully or partially with the received critique. The author should answer each comment separately. Two documents: the revised manuscript (with changes highlighted in blue) and the author’s responses to the comments made by the reviewers and the Editorial Team should be forwarded electronically to the Editorial Team via the journal’s online platform.
- Based on the submitted responses and the revised manuscript, the Editorial Team shall decide whether the manuscript should be accepted for publication, further revised or rejected. Before making the final decision, the Editorial Team may consult a member of the Scientific Committee competent in a given field.
- The reviewing process is anonymous (double-blind), which implies that the reviewer’s and the author’s identities are not revealed. The author is provided access only to the content of the review, but the reviewer’s identity is not disclosed.
- The Editorial Team must ensure that a conflict of interest does not exist between the reviewer and the author of the reviewed paper, that the parties are not bound by personal or professional relations, and that they have not collaborated directly in the last two years preceding the review.
- Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office are checked for language and editing style. Statistical methods are verified and, if required, the Editorial Office may rely on the services of a statistical editor.
- Once a year, the Journal develops a list of reviewers who work with the Editorial Team, of THE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY. The list is published on the Journal’s website.
- The submitted manuscripts and the reviews are stored by the Editorial Office.
Final provisions
- When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors transfer all transferable copyrights to the Editorial Team of THE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY. The submitted materials become the property of the Editorial Team as the publisher and may not be printed in other publications without the Editorial Team’s written consent.
- Pursuant to the provisions of the Polish Civil Code and the Law on Copyrights and Related Rights, no part of an article published in THE REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY may be reprinted or reproduced in any data storage or data retrieval system without the written consent of the Journal’s Editorial Team.
- In accordance with the current copyright law and related rights, the authors assume full responsibility for the authenticity and originality of research articles submitted for publication to the Editorial Office.