Into the Depths of Existence: An Analysis of Existential Anxiety in the Context of Attachment and Pathological Personality Traits

Michalina Marczewska

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology


Aims: Existential anxiety is an inherent aspect of life. Individuals with maladaptive attachment styles, such as anxious-ambivalent, are particularly prone to experiencing generalised anxiety. This tendency is also associated with an intensification of pathological personality traits. The study aims to test hypotheses regarding the relationship between existential anxiety and attachment styles (secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant), as well as with negative affect and detachment, and to examine the associations between attachment styles and pathological personality traits.

Method: The sample consisted of 466 respondents aged 16 to 87 years with similar educational levels. Gender groups were evenly represented. Existential anxiety was measured using the SNE (Existential Anxiety Scale), attachment styles were assessed using the KSP (Attachment Styles Questionnaire), and pathological traits of the Big Five were evaluated using the PID-5 (Personality Inventory).

Results: Significant differences were observed between the studied variables based on gender. Correlations were found between existential anxiety (along with its dimensions), personality traits, and attachment styles. Regression models were presented to explain the dimensions of anxiety (fear of guilt and condemnation, fear of emptiness and meaninglessness, fear of fate and death). The main explanatory variable was found to be negative affect.

Conclusion: Individuals with an anxious-ambivalent attachment style and higher levels of negative affect are more likely to experience existential anxiety. Insecure attachment styles are associated with an intensification of pathological personality traits.

Słowa kluczowe:

existential anxiety, attachment styles, negative affect, detachment, pathological personality traits

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Cited By /

Marczewska, M. (2024). Into the Depths of Existence: An Analysis of Existential Anxiety in the Context of Attachment and Pathological Personality Traits. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 67(2), 115–129.

Michalina Marczewska 
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology