Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski

Scientific journal of East European Research Centre
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

ISSN: 2081-1128

Scientific journal „Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski” (“East European Review”) is published by East European Research Centre at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The first volume was going to be published in January 2010. The broad range of issues discussed in articles, reviews and other scholarly publications is of interdisciplinary nature and refers to history, culture, philosophical thought, literature and languages of East European countries, Polish and East European connections as well as social, cultural and economic relations etc. Particular importance is going to be assigned to social and cultural heritage of the Polish Republic.

The journal is represented in the electronic databases: SCOPUS, CEJSH (The Central European Journals of Social Sciences and Humanities), CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), EBSCO, Pol-Index, Index Copernicus, ERIH Plus, MOST-WIEDZY, ICM UW. In addition, the full-text articles are available on the websites of the journal:

Texts in the Slavic languages as well as in English and German are accepted during the calendar year. Any text should be supplied with: 1) English version of the title; 2) summary (700-1000 signs) in English; 3) 5‑7 keywords in English; 4) a short note about the author, including: name, academic degree, place of work and position, address of workplace, titles of major publications (books, articles) with the publication dates and numbers of pages (up to 10 titles); 5) a statement that the text has not been published in the version that is submitted to the journal. The article submission procedure is described in a separate tab on the journal's website.

All submitted articles are reviewed. The rules of double-blind peer review are described on the journal’s website.



ISSN: 2081-1128 (Print)

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  • Pol-Index
  • ERIH-Plus
  • Index Copernicus


10 - 2017 r.

Index Copernicus
80,33 - 2016 r.


Full Issue