Statement of Peer Review Policies

The journal Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski (East European Review) has adopted a Code of Conduct:

Editors’ responsibilities

  • 1. The editors are responsible for securing that
  1. a) the quality of the journal is maintained;
  2. b) freedom of opinion is preserved;
  3. c) scientific misconduct does not occur;
  4. d) no inappropriate economic or other factors influence the content of the journal;
  5. e) if required, corrections, rectifications, revocations, and apologies are printed;
  6. f) the data exchanged in the review process are kept confidential;
  7. g) the journal generally satisfies the needs of authors and readers.

Anonymous review

  • 2. (1) The editors ensure that all articles accepted for publication have been evaluated by two reviewers in a single-blind peer review process, and take every possible effort to preserve the anonymity of the both authors and reviewers. The editors decide about acception or rejection of the articles on the basis of these reviews. The article is accepted for publication by the Editorial Board when two reviews are positive. In the event that one review is negative and the other is positive, a decisive reviewer is appointed.

(2) All names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Conflict of interest

  • 3. (1) When choosing reviewers it is taken care that they are neither affiliated with the same institution as any of the authors nor have a conflict of interest in accordance with the criteria set out in the Code of the National Science Center on research integrity and applying for research funding.

(2) The editors do not make decisions about articles submitted by colleagues with which they have a conflict of interest. In such cases, the decision is made by the advisory board.

(3) If an editor wants to publish in the journal, the review process is handled by a different editor or a member of the advisory board.

(4) The journal does not publish reviews about books that have been written or edited by one of the editors or that were published in a series overseen by one of the editors or in the same publishing house as the journal (i.e. in Wydawnictwo UWM).

Time flow

  • 4. (1) All tasks are performed within the designated time. The journal is published in time every June and December. Should there be delays, the authors are immediately informed about them.

(2) The editors communicate with the authors in an efficient and respectful manner. For times of leave and other absences of the editors substitutions are arranged to make sure that the authors do not experience a degradation of service.


  • 5. The whole process of review and publication will be organized in a transparent and structured way. The authors will be informed about it comprehensively prior to publication.