
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Texts in the Slavic languages as well as in English are accepted during the calendar year. Any text should be supplied with: a) English version of the title; b) summary (700-1000 signs) in English; c) 5‑7 keywords; d) a short note about the author, including: name, academic degree, place of work and position, address of workplace, titles of major publications (books, articles) with the publication dates and numbers of pages (up to 10 titles).

Technical requirements:

  • Word-processor preferable: Microsoft Word. Page setup: A4 paper size; the margin setting of top, bottom, left and right: 5 cm. Headings on the first page: different.
  • The first page: a) the author’s name and surname; b) the ORCID number on the left; c) the name of university in English. The title: 14-point Times New Roman font, bold, caps, centered. Line spacing: Space Before 24 pt., and Space After 24 pt.
  • Main body: 12-point Times New Roman font: Paragraph: alignment – justified; line spacing at 1.5 lines; first-line indent: 1 cm (it is automatically set in the dialogue box Format menu/Paragraph/Special/First line).

All the highlighted fragments of the text, e.g. introduced terms, ought to be given in an expanded format: Format/Font/Character Spacing/Spacing=Expanded/2 pt. The use of bolding and underlining is not recommended.

  • Page numbers – in the top of the page, centered. Page numbers: 10-point Times New Roman font.
  • Harvard System of Referencing should be used for making bibliographic footnotes, see information:
  • Citations are given in quotation marks but not in italics. Citations of three lines or more should be given as a block text: 10-point Times New Roman font, paragraph: alignment – justified; the first line – no indent; left and right indents: 1 cm; line spacing at 1.5 lines. Spacing before and after the main body: 12 pt. The omission of certain text fragments should be marked with three dots in square brackets.
  • All the names of scholars mentioned or cited in the text should be given in the form of initials: R. Jakobson, A. Nagórko, D. Szumska, etc. While mentioning a scholar for the second time, the initial of their name should not be repeated – only the name is given.
  • All the chapters and sections ought to be numbered. Do not use the default page numbering format, please.
  • Automatic word selection.
  • The control over widows and orphans in the main body: FORMAT MENU/PARAGRAPH/LINE AND PAGE BREAKS/WIDOW/ORPHAN CONTROL.
  • The word number in the article should not be higher than 40,000 marks (including word-spacing).
  • At the end of the article is a bibliographic list. List of works should be ordered alphabetically by authors’ names, in the case of repeating the date of publication of the same author, by date works in chronological order (2000a, 2000b, 2000c). In the case of anonymous works or works without the author (for example web pages) should be given part of the title — one or two words that will enable to track and identify the sources, for example: Russia’s Population 2013. The pattern of the bibliographic list (font Times New Roman 10 point):

Awdiejew, A. (1999), Standardy semantyczne w gramatyce komunikacyjnej (teoria i zastosowanie). W: Awdiejew, A. (red.), Gramatyka komunikacyjna. Warszawa – Kraków, 33-68.

Bartmiński, J. (1973), O języku folkloru. Wrocław etc.

Bartmiński, J./Niebrzegowska S. (1998), Profile a podmiotowa interpretacja świata. W: Bartmiński, J. (red.), Profilowanie w języku i tekście. Lublin, 211-224.

Bednarczuk, L. (1991), Uwagi o funkcjach języka (Głos w dyskusji nad referatem R. Grzegorczykowej „Problem funkcji języka i tekstu w świetle teorii aktów mowy”). W: Język a kultura. IV, 29-30.

Beličová, H. (1984), Ke vstahu tzv. povrchových a hloubkových vĕtných významů. V: Československa rusistika. XXIX/4, 148-157.

Cauthen,  B.  (2004),  Covenant  and  continuity:  ethno –symbolism  and  the myth of  divine  election. In: Nations and nationalism. 10 (1), 19-33.

Polański, K. (red.) (1995), Encyklopedia językoznawstwa ogólnego. Wrocław etc.

Jäkel, O. (2013), Hypotheses Revisited: The Cognitive Theory of Metaphor (Applied to Reli-gious Texts). In: [access 15 V 2013].

Authors are asked to transliterate non-Latin scripts into Latin script in accordance with the BGN-PCGN standard on the www site:

Please choose the transliteration option: rosyjski BGN-PCGN. Here is a sample:

Fonarev, A. R. (1998), Psikhologiya lichnostnogo stanovleniyaprofessionala. Moskva. [Фонарев. А. Р. (1998), Психология личностного становления профессионала. Москва.]

Norman, B. J. (1994), Grammatika govoryashchego. Sankt-Peterburg. [Норман, Б. Ю. (1994), Грамматика говорящего. Санкт-Петербург.]

Trykov, V. P. (2015), Imagologiya i imagopoetika. In: Znaniye. Ponimaniye. Umeniye. [Трыков, В. П. (2015), Имагология и имагопоэтика. В: Знание. Понимание. Умение. 3, 120-129.]

Boytsov, M. A. (2010), Chto takoye potestarnaya imagologiya? In: Boytsov, M.A./Uspenskiy, F. B. (eds.), Vlast’ i obraz: Ocherki potestarnoy imagologii. Sankt-Peterburg, 5-37. [Бойцов, М. А. (2010), Что такое потестарная имагология? В: Бойцов, М. А./Успенский, Ф. Б. (ред.), Власть и образ: Очерки потестарной имагологии. Санкт-Петербург, 5-37.]

Bibliographic footnotes in the text (in the Harvard system) should be consistent with the bibliography, for example: (Fonarev 1998, 45; Norman 1994, 34) etc.

In the case of texts written as Cyrillic alphabet that are translations, the authors’ surnames should not be transliterated – they should be written in their original form, e.g.:

Sartre, J.-P. (1993), Problema metoda. Moskva. [Сартр, Ж.-П. (1993), Проблема метода. Москва.]

  • The volume of text: from 30,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces.
  • The article ought to be sent at emails:

or submit at the platform of the journal in Internet: