The war narrative of the President of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the mental space generated by V. Putin in speeches to the nation
Roman Gawarkiewicz
Institute of Linguistics of the University of SzczecinAbstract
This article presents the results of an analysis of Vladimir Putin’s speeches delivered in connection with the ‘special military operation’ conducted by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The study conducted indicates that Putin has created a mental space in his narrative based on a closed and dogmatic description of the parties to the conflict. In his narrative on the causes of the Russian military intervention, he builds a world of (anti-)heroes and describes them with the invocation of a specific ‘weaponised’ lexis, which in turn determines the presentation of facts about the war in Ukraine based on the four basic tactics of the propaganda narrative, that is, denial, distortion, deflation and disquiet.
rhetorical act, mental space, weaponized words, frame semantics, tactics of the propaganda narrativeReferences
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Institute of Linguistics of the University of Szczecin