Hypertext technologies as the basis of native advertising
Nataliya Mironova
Uniwersytet im. M. Łomonosowa w MoskwieAbstract
The article deals with native advertising (hidden advertising) disguised as regular site content. To analyze the advertising discourse on the treatment of a disease, we used a cognitive schema (frame) containing a specific set of slots. It was found that a hypertext nature of advertising leads to rupture of the schema and delayed submission of the main frame slot (means/ways to treat the disease), transferring it from the start of the message to its target portion. It was also shown how a frame nature of advertising predetermined semantics of positive evaluation of the words – slot fillers. Native advertising is represented as a means of manipulating individual consciousness and as a way of exercising individual mental (and verbal) aggression.
network communication, hypertext, cognitive scheme (frame), native advertising, hidden advertising, mental aggressionReferences
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Uniwersytet im. M. Łomonosowa w Moskwie