Aspectual-semantic classes of resultative constructions in Ukrainian language
Yilya Golotsukova
Mariupol State UniversityAbstract
The article contains an analysis of the concept of ‘aspect of the verbal action’ inaccordance with the assumptions of leading linguists, aspectual-semantic classificationof resultative constructions of the Ukrainian language, the statistical observation of the qualitativeand quantitative availability of resultatives in lexicographical works in the XX–XXI centuries.The article examines the factors determining resultatives: functions, correlative with thesemantics of the verb-motivator. The study classified lexical units, which represent the resultsof the basis of the value of the verb-motivator; lexical units formed from basic motivators, wherethe result of the action – the acquisition of a specific optical characteristic; lexical units indicatingthe result at which action cannot continue. The analysis of the category of resultatives was carriedout taking into account the quantitative and qualitative changes. The category of resultative isconsidered an open system that responds to the needs of real phenomena.
actional aspect of verbal action aspectual-semantic class kinds of verbal action limitedness result resultative type of verbal actioReferences
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Mariupol State University