Дура зеленая czy дорогушка сдобная? – about the valuation of women in the Russian rural prose

Karina Zając-Haduch

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie


The analysis of the linguistic means of available texts of Russian writers of the rural mainstream by which carried out the valuation of women is in the mainstream of research on the language of the authors. Positive image of a woman is shaped primarily by afektonimy. The offensive words create the strongly negative stereotypes. They brand feminine’s stupidity, talkativeness and gossip, malice and cunning. Considering the language not only as a tool for evaluation, but also as a source of information of the values established in the language, we can be reconstructed on the basis of the extracted data the image of perfect (ideal) women. By way of opposition to the characteristics ridiculed, it would be preferable, therefore, intellectual and physical fitness of women, their resourcefulness of life, honesty, friendly attitude towards other people.


valuation     Russian rural prose     positive image of a woman     negative stereotype     picture of perfect woman

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Cited by

Zając-Haduch, K. (2018). Дура зеленая czy дорогушка сдобная? – about the valuation of women in the Russian rural prose. Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 8(2), 407–415. https://doi.org/10.31648/pw.3598

Karina Zając-Haduch 
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie