Елена Ковязина



In Ukraine development of the teacher competence concept to perfect vocationally oriented foreign language teaching and learning is an absolute necessity. We need strengthening the com- municative teaching technology and abandoning the so-called conscious-comparative or translat- ing approach based on the native language, that was inherent in the former Soviet educational system and, unfortunately, is still popular in most educational institutions. Effective communicati- ve methodology implementation requires enhancing the quality of teacher language competence, and in vocationally oriented foreign language in particular.


language competence, vocational language, effective teaching/leaming, skills, training, communicative technology

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Ковязина, Е. (2011). КОНЦЕПЦИЯ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОМУ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIII), 81–90. Abgerufen von https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1069

Елена Ковязина 