"Keep your friends close": Przyswajanie języka obcego poprzez interakcje rówieśnicze a edukacja zdalna w dobie pandemii

Andrzej Jarynowski

Uniwersytet Warszawski

Karolina Czopek

Uniwersytet Warszawski

Michał B. Paradowski

Uniwersytet Warszawski


This paper focuses on second language acquisition in the context of social interactions naturally taking place among learners, especially in immersion/Study Abroad settings. We showcase the methodology of social network analysis, which has recently shed new light on the relationship between the individual position in the social network and language acquisition, helping to determine which contexts, intensity and direction of interactions are most conducive to L2 progress. At the time of the current COVID-19 pandemic, physical interactions can pose an epidemiological risk. Thus, we conclude with a discussion concerning the challenge of maximising students’ exposure to the target language in the context of emergency remote learning.


social network analysis, interaction, econd language acquisition, COVID-19, emergency remote instruction

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Jarynowski, A., Czopek, K., & Paradowski, M. B. (2021). "Keep your friends close": Przyswajanie języka obcego poprzez interakcje rówieśnicze a edukacja zdalna w dobie pandemii. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XXIII), 115–132. https://doi.org/10.31648/an.6660

Andrzej Jarynowski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Karolina Czopek 
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Michał B. Paradowski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski