Joanna Łozińska



The aim of the article is to outline the main differences and similarities in the ways
spatial relations are expressed by means of prepositions in English and in Polish. The
discussion starts with classifying the two languages within the same system of space
conceptualization. Then, a description of prepositions is presented. The article concludes with
the comparison of the dynamic aspects of the Polish prepositions do ‘to’, ‘into’, w ‘in’, ‘into’
and na ‘on’, ‘onto’ and their English equivalents to, in and on. Next, the main emphasis will
be put on the way space is structured in Polish by means of other spatial terms, which include
prefixes to the verbs, direction nouns and noun cases.


space conceptualization, prepositions, verbal prefi xes, directional nouns

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Łozińska, J. (2013). POLISH AND ENGLISH LOCATIVE EXPRESSIONS: AN OVERVIEW. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XV), 53–61. Abgerufen von https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/916

Joanna Łozińska 

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