“Polish” Pages of Daniel Stein, the Translator by L. Ulitskaya

Галина Нефагина

Instytut Neofilologii Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku


The author of the article analyses “Polish” pages of Daniel Stein, the translator, one of the most disputable novels written by L. Ulitskaya. Complicated life of frontier (eastern and western) Polish lands shown through life stories of the characters is dealt with. The subjective images of Poland which appear in consciousness of the heroes are of the utmost importance for understand- ing the ideology of the novel. In general the image of Poland in L. Ulitskaya’s novel is connected with semantics of losses, and the break of characters’ real connections with their homeland can be understood as the evidence of trouble, disintegration of integrity.


Ulitskaya, “Polish” pages, images of Poland, life stories, life of frontier, semantics of losses

Ю. Малецкий, Роман Улицкой как зеркало русской интеллигенции, Новый мир 2007, № 5, с. 178.

Л. Улицкая, Даниэль Штайн, переводчик, Москва 2006 [далее: ДШ], с. 123.

Н.Ф. Христофорова-Садомова, Воспоминания о поэте Клюеве Николае Алексеевиче, Наш современник 1992, № 5, с. 155.


Cited by

Нефагина, Г. (2011). “Polish” Pages of Daniel Stein, the Translator by L. Ulitskaya. Acta Neophilologica, 1(XIII), 217–224. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/1080

Галина Нефагина 
Instytut Neofilologii Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku