Ewa Kujawska-Lis

Instytut Neofilologii UWM w Olsztynie


The article aims at providing a provisional answer to the question conceming the finality of
the translation process. The main point of interest is the status of the revised version of a published
translation, that is whether the revision is to be treated as a new realization of a particular literary
work (and consequently enriching the translation series of this particular work) or introductory part, the article examines shortly the models of the process of translation focusing on
including the stage of revision into it. The analytical part discusses examples of changes introduced
in the revised version of Aniela Zagórska’s translation of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
in comparison with the first published version. The analysis refrains from pointing out corrected
mistakes or updating lexical items, syntax and spelling. It focuses on the changes in the treatment
of key expressions (heart and darkness, the horror) as well as some examples of structural
repetitions and changes of lexical items connected with nautical terminology. On the basis of the
investigation one may conclude that the introduced changes do not involve merely intralingual
shifts in order to make the revised target version more natural. Rather they involve alterations
which stem from a meticulous hermeneutic analysis of the original work and noticing a careful
patterning of the lexical items and structures so that this patterning may be reflected in the
translation and provide for new interpretative possibilities. Consequently, in William Frawley’s
terminology, the translation code in the revised version is modified to such an extent in comparison
with the code of the first translation that one may venture the hypothesis that the result is
a new realization of this particular literary work.


translation, revision, translation senes, Heart o f Darkness, recodification

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<>, on May 14, 2006.


Cited by

Kujawska-Lis, E. (2007). INTO THE HEART OF MATTERS - IN SEARCH OF THE FINALITY OF THE TRANSLATION PROCESS. Acta Neophilologica, (IX), 31–43. Retrieved from

Ewa Kujawska-Lis 
Instytut Neofilologii UWM w Olsztynie