Elżbieta Pietraś

Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytet Gdański


The Moscov Conceptualism was one of the famous phenomena of non-official art. It showed
emptiness of soviet paintings, literature, art. The Moscow underground was connected by the same
feeling and need to change the soviet language poisoned by demagogy of politicians, by the falsity
of official slogans and literature. It entered two influential styles in non-formal culture of the
1970s and 1980s. First of them was concentrated on a visual art and used term "soc-art" connected
with series of paintings by Vitaly Komar and Alexander Malamid. It compared material forms
of soviet ideology (posters, slogans, graphic art) with the profusion of Western commercial advertising
products and pop art.
The second circle of artists was concentrated near Ilya Kabakov and included not only
painters but also great writers like Dmitry Prigov, Lev Rubinstein and Vladimir Sorokin, who used
to deconstruct typical socrealistic literature by showing her absurd. This trend was called Moscow
Conceptualism and was in many points connected with traditions of avant-garde art, especially
futurism and OBERIU.


conceptualism, underground, soc art, avant-garde, postmodernism

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Ерофеев B., Д. Пригов, В. Сорокин, ЁПС: Сборник рассказов и стихов, Москва 2002.

Handke R., Odbiorca dzieła jako partner dialogu, Teksty 1980, 1, s. 37-68.

Берг M., Литературократия. Проблема присвоения и перераспределения власти в литературе, Москва 2000.

Barański Z., J. Litwinow, Rosyjskie manifesty literackie, część II, Poznań 1976.

Шапир M., Эстетический опыт XX века: Авангард и постмодернизм, Philologica 1995, t. 2, nr 3/4, s. 137, <>.

Курицын B., Русский литературный постмодернизм, Москва 2000.

Скоропанова И. С., Русская постмодернистская литература, Москва 2001.

Бирюкова C.E., Любовь к трем авангардам, Арион 2000, 3 <>.


Cited by

Pietraś, E. (2007). MOSKIEWSKI KONCEPTUALIZM - MIĘDZY AWANGARDĄ A POSTMODERNIZMEM. Acta Neophilologica, (IX), 131–142. Retrieved from

Elżbieta Pietraś 
Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytet Gdański