Opis procesu indywiduacji narratora na przykładzie "Śmierci w bunkrze" Martina Pollacka
Joanna Bednarska-Kociołek
Uniwersytet ŁódzkiAbstract
Individuation is, according to Jung, a process of self-awareness (Selbstwerdung). Martin Pollack’s The Dead Man in the Bunker (2004) is the example of a narrative illustrating the process of individuation. In this book, Pollack presents the fight against the memory of his ancestors – the Nazis and the subsequent stages of the process of his own maturation. This article describes how the narrator expresses himself through literature and how the literary process changes him. The author presents the successive phases of identity building and shows how the process of individuation proceeded depending on these phases. The key thesis of this article is that texts are not only a description of the process, but above all its tool.
memory, individuation, Martin Pollack, C.G. JungReferences
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