Sebastian Mrożek
Akademia Pedagogiczna im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej KrakówАннотация
The present article shows the moulding of the national identity of the Polish, their struggle of
independence through the national uprising as well as the literature and the art. The period of
a romanticism in Poland is the formation time of a national culture and myths (The Polish
Messianism). They will build the mentality of Polish people during next decades. The cultural
patterns formed in this period, especially the struggle of freedom and the sovereignty, will go back
in the periods of a civil or a political captivity. Untill today is the Polish romanticism - as was
shown in the text - an element of the national culture and tradition, which is referenced by artists.
In special pieces of the literature of the period became the canon of Polish national literature.
Ключевые слова:
Polish Romanticism, national identity, tradition and patriotism, struggle of national independence, Polish cultural patterns, canon of the Polish national literature: MickiewiczБиблиографические ссылки
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Akademia Pedagogiczna im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Kraków