Bartosz Ptasznik

Wydział Anglistyki Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


Selecting the correct sense in a polysemous entry may cause difficulty for language
learners. Poor dictionary reference skills of users may account for the problems that students
encounter in dictionary consultation. In addition, some dictionary users may have a tendency
to consult the first sense of an entry and not the remaining senses [Tono 1984], although
the information required for understanding the meaning of a word might be situated in the
middle or end of an entry. For these reasons, lexicographers have started introducing sense
navigation devices in dictionaries: menus and signposts. The main role of these devices is to
assist dictionary users in entry consultation by helping them find the right meaning of a word
as quickly as possible. The present paper is a review of nine empirical studies [Tono 1992, 1997, 2011; Bogaards 1998; Lew 2010; Lew et al. 2013; Lew and Pajkowska 2007; Lew and
Tokarek 2010; Nesi and Tan 2011] focusing on the effectiveness of sense navigation devices
in dictionaries. In general, the studies investigate how menus and signposts in dictionary
entries affect sense selection accuracy and entry consultation time. Furthermore, observations
are made regarding the effect of entry length and proficiency level of users on sense selection
accuracy and entry consultation time in the context of menus and signposts. Also, menu and
signpost systems are compared.

Ключевые слова:

dictionaries, paper dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, entry-internal navigation, sense navigation devices, menus, signposts


CIDE = Procter, P. (ed.) (1995). Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.

COBUILD2 = Sinclair, J. (ed.) (1995). Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. 2nd edition.
London, HarperCollins.

LDOCE3 = Summers, D. (ed.) (1995). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 3rd
edition. Harlow, Longman.

LDOCE4 = Summers, D. (ed.) (2003). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 4th
edition. Harlow, Longman.

LDOCE5 = Mayor, M. (ed.) (2009). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 5th
edition. London, Longman.

MED2 = Rundell, M. (ed.) (2007). Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. 2nd
edition. Oxford, Macmillan Education.

MEDO = Macmillan English Dictionary Online. Available on-line: <http://www.macmillandictionary.
com>. Date of access: 15.01.2010.

NKFD = Fisiak, J., Adamska-Sałaciak, A., and Gąsiorowski, P. (eds.) (2003). Nowy słownik
Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej. The New Kościuszko Foundation Dictionary. New York, The
Kościuszko Foundation.

OALD5 = Crowther, J. (ed.) (1995). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current
English. 5th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

OALD7 = Wehmeier, S. (ed.) (2005). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current
English. 7th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

PWNO = Usiekniewicz, J. (ed.) (2002). Wielki słownik angielsko-polski, polsko-angielski
PWN-Oxford. Warszawa, PWN.

Other references

Bogaards, P. (1998). Scanning Long Entries in Learner’s Dictionaries. In: Th. Fontenelle,
Ph. Hiligsmann, A. Michiels, A. Moulin and S. Theissen (eds.). EURALEX’98 Actes/
Proceedings. Liege, Université Départements d’Anglais et de Néerlandais, 555–563.

Lew, R. (2010). Users Take Shortcuts: Navigating Dictionary Entries. In: A. Dykstra and
T. Schoonheim (eds.). Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress. Ljouwert,
Afűk, 1121–1132.

Lew, R., Grzelak, M., and Leszkowicz, M. (2013). How Dictionary Users Choose Senses in
Bilingual Dictionary Entries: An Eye-Tracking Study, Lexikos 23, 228–254.

Lew, R., and Pajkowska, J. (2007). The Effect of Signposts on Access Speed and Lookup Task
Success in Long and Short Entries. Horizontes de Lingüística Aplicada 6, 2, 235–252.

Lew, R., and Tokarek, P. (2010). Entry Menus in Bilingual Electronic Dictionaries. In:
S. Granger and M. Paquot (eds.). eLexicography in the 21st Century: New Challenges,
New Applications. Louvain-la-Neuve, Cahiers du CENTAL, 193–202.

Nesi, H., and Kim, H.T. (2011). The Effect of Menus and Signposting on the Speed and
Accuracy of Sense Selection. International Journal of Lexicography 24, 1, 79–96.

Tono, Y. (1984). On the Dictionary User’s Reference Skills. B.Ed. Thesis. Tokyo, Tokyo
Gakugei University.

Tono, Y. (1992). The Effect of Menus on EFL Learners’ Look-up Processes. Lexikos 2,

Tono, Y. (1997). Guide Word or Signpost? An Experimental Study on the Effect of Meaning
Access Indexes in EFL Learners’ Dictionaries. English Studies 28, 55 –77.

Tono, Y. (2011). Application of Eye-Tracking in EFL Learners’ Dictionary Look-up Process
Research. International Journal of Lexicography 24, 1, 124–153.



Ptasznik, B. (2013). ENTRY-INTERNAL NAVIGATION IN DICTIONARIES: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Acta Neophilologica, 2(XV), 177–190. извлечено от https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/an/article/view/926

Bartosz Ptasznik 
Wydział Anglistyki Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu