Opublikowane: 2014-03-281


Monika Guzewicz
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Varia


This article refers to a situation of losing a child in the prenatal period which is a difficult
experience affecting numerous families. Need of providing proper and purposeful help encourages
a research on multifaceted consequences of this situation in different areas of life. Psychological
outcomes usually disclose directly after the moment when the loss occurs and they evolve as the
time goes. Proper overcoming of a loss of a child is the best solution for this situation. Unfortunately
for many reasons it remains impossible. That is why experienced emotions and pain inevitably
become a source of depressive symptoms. Article also concerns family, social and religious dimension
of discussed phenomena. The paper presents results of the research on the prevalence of depressive
symptoms among women experiencing the loss of a child before birth. The analysis was based on
a research conducted on patients (N = 60) of Szpital św. Aleksandra in Kielce. To investigate the
prevalence of depression and for the purpose of assessment of the intensity of its components the
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used. The results prove the presence of depression symptoms
among the participants of the survey. Following highly diagnostic items can be mentioned: sense
of guilt, low mood and irritability.

Słowa kluczowe:

a loss of a child, miscarriage, depression

Pobierz pliki

Zasady cytowania

Guzewicz, M. (2014). pl PSYCHOLOGICZNE I SPOŁECZNE KONSEKWENCJE UTRATY DZIECKA W WYNIKU PORONIENIA. Civitas Et Lex, 1(1), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.1823

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