Opublikowane: 2018-11-041


Dominika Agata OJCEWICZ
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach


People have been bound by ethical codes for centuries. Taking into consideration the importance
and function of the journalistic profession, no one is surprised at the fact that codes adhering
directly to journalists are being established nowadays and creating codes within a single editorial
team becomes a common practice. Breaking those codes usually results in specific consequences,
many of which are not known to the interested parties. In the new media era many journalists
run their accounts on social networking websites and the fact that they publish content there
can become a source of contention. No one is entirely sure how far the journalists’ bosses can go
in serving their justice and how they should react to certain behaviours of their workers. There
are some fully justified cases when journalists were fired from their positions for a single entry
published on their blogs. There are also situations in which bosses felt insulted solely by opinions
different from their own. The most important notion here in the ethical sense is to follow the widely
accepted value systems and to care about someone else’s well-being more than your own.

Słowa kluczowe:

law, ethics, new media, consequences

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Zasady cytowania

OJCEWICZ, D. A. (2018). O KONSEKWENCJACH NIEPRZESTRZEGANIA ETYKI DZIENNIKARSKIEJ W DOBIE NOWYCH MEDIÓW. Civitas Et Lex, 4(4), 7–19. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.2022

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