Opublikowane: 2017-09-291


Wojciech Guzewicz , Ryszard Skawiński
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Varia


In 2012 the Diocese of Ełk prided itself on nine sanctuaries. During the 20 years of the diocese
of the sanctuary there have been several changes. Two new sanctuaries were established: Leipzig
and Elk. All paintings in the Marian sanctuaries were crowned during this time (4 images out of 6).
In the 2012 schematism the names of the sanctuaries have been clarified and the division into
Marian shrines and others (“other”) have been introduced.

Słowa kluczowe:

Sanctuaries, Diocese of the Ełk, Mazury, Suwalszczyzna

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Zasady cytowania

Guzewicz, W., & Skawiński, R. (2017). SANKTUARIA W DIECEZJI EŁCKIEJ (1992−2012). Civitas Et Lex, 15(3), 67–76. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.2471

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