Opublikowane: 2018-03-301


Tomasz Bondzio
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Varia


The article presents Jehovah’s witnesses’ moral teaching on the subject of preparation for
marital and family life. According to Jehovah’s Witnesses, proper preparation for a married life and
family forecasts good prospects for the future, people in personality development and tread breeding
of a moral and religious attitude. Man realizes himself when his relationship does not change. Duly
conceived moral principles sensitize people to the problems they enter in fiancée relations. Issues
regarding the selection of future reasonable, non-misplaced love. Jehovah’s Witnesses show the
difference between infatuation, and the true love of the other person. In the modern era, many
brides explain common sexual conditions and obligations as something normal. Paradoxually the
sins of people’s connections. The elders of the congregation did not begin to drink in connection
with another thing. In the pages of the Watchtower Society articles, the issue of the contraception
problem leaves the objections. All behavior is unacceptable. The constant motif that is repeated in
learning Jehovah’s Witnesses provides self-esteem for self-satisfaction and directing trials to the
Creator. Only Jehovah’s intervention can help to preserve the patterns of moral life.

Słowa kluczowe:

Jehovah’s Witnesses, youth, engagement, marriage, family, partnership, pre-marital purity

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Zasady cytowania

Bondzio, T. (2018). PRZYGOTOWANIE DO ŻYCIA MAŁŻEŃSKIEGO I RODZINNEGO W UJĘCIU ŚWIADKÓW JEHOWY. Civitas Et Lex, 17(1), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.2487

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