Opublikowane: 2019-07-061


Patrycja Weronika Dukat
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Nauki prawne


This article indicates the competence of court enforcement officer. At the outset, the text presents what character in the legal turnover is the court bailiff and indicates the characteristic features that distinguish him from the debt collector, who is only the executor of the will of the creditor and not the contractor of the State expressed in the wording of the court order. Next, he shows that the Polish legislator gave the opportunity to support the activities of court bailiffs by granting them a number of powers. These legal tools are used by bailiffs to achieve a specific purpose, specified in the enforcement title submitted of court enforcement officer office together with the application - the purpose of enforcement. However, it should be pointed out - as the final part of the article states, that the bailiff deals not only with the enforcement of cash benefits. Nevertheless, all measures taken by the enforcement authority must be based on applicable law and seek to ensure the expediency and correctness of the proceedings conducted, the purpose of which is to enforce court decisions.

Słowa kluczowe:

judicial execution, court enforcement officer, executive proceedings, debt, debtor, creditor.

Pobierz pliki

Zasady cytowania

Dukat, P. W. (2019). NARZĘDZIA PRAWNE KOMORNIKA SĄDOWEGO (ZAGADNIENIA WYBRANE). Civitas Et Lex, 22(2), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.3508

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