Opublikowane: 2022-12-081

Zasady ogólne jako podstawa prawna czynności organu administracji podejmowanych w stadium wszczęcia postępowania

Marta Kopacz
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Nauki prawne


The article points to the need to co-apply the general principles of administrative proceedings with the provisions constituting their concretization. This issue was referred to the stage of initiation of the administrative procedure. Attention was drawn to the normative nature of the general principles. The importance of general principles in administrative proceedings is presented. The procedural steps of the administrative body taken at the stage of initiating the administrative procedure are listed. The methods of initiating administrative proceedings were also indicated. Each act of this stage of the procedure was related to the general principles of the administrative procedure. It has been shown that most of the general rules apply at the stage of initiation of the administrative procedure. It has been inferred that these principles have a direct impact on the type and content of procedural actions of the administrative body undertaken at this stage and in the course of directing the activities of the participants in the proceedings.

Słowa kluczowe:

administrative proceeding, general rules, initiation of proceedings, procedural acts of the administrative body

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Zasady cytowania

Kopacz, M. (2022). Zasady ogólne jako podstawa prawna czynności organu administracji podejmowanych w stadium wszczęcia postępowania. Civitas Et Lex, 36(4), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.7494

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