Opublikowane: 2023-12-271

Zarząd zwyczajny i nadzwyczajny dobrami parafialnymi - funkcje i obowiązki proboszcza

Piotr Mozyro
Civitas et Lex
Dział: Prawo kanoniczne


The subject of the article is to present the issues related to the ordinary and extraordinary administration of parish goods, with particular emphasis on the functions and duties of the parish priest. The primary source for these considerations is the Code of Canon Law of Pope John Paul II, promulgated in 1983, with amendments up to 2022, specifically canons 1254 to 1289.

The starting point for these deliberations is the delineation of the office of the parish priest and his responsibilities in the administration of the parish as a public juridical person. Canon 1279 clarifies the issue of the public representation of a juridical person and the administration of its temporal goods. The administration of the material goods of the parish is closely linked to the office of the parish priest, who, by virtue of canon 532, assumes the right and duty to represent the parish and simultaneously manage its resources. Ecclesiastical legislators grant parish priests significant freedom in the administration of the parish; however, this autonomy is not without oversight and limitations. Consequently, within ecclesiastical legislation, a distinction is made between the ordinary and extraordinary administration of temporal goods. This distinction, although necessary, is not entirely clear and may raise many doubts as to whether we are dealing with ordinary or extraordinary administration. It is therefore essential to differentiate between these two types of administration and provide specific examples derived from the provisions of the code, as this leads to the application of different procedural actions. 

Słowa kluczowe:

parish temporal goods, office and functions of the parish priest, ordinary and extraordinary administration

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Zasady cytowania

Mozyro, P. (2023). Zarząd zwyczajny i nadzwyczajny dobrami parafialnymi - funkcje i obowiązki proboszcza. Civitas Et Lex, 40(4), 83–94. https://doi.org/10.31648/cetl.9423

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