Published: 2024-08-311

Beloved Hephaestion – detested Hephaestion

Klaudia Oczachowska
Echa Przeszłości


The article discusses personal relations among high-anking officers in Alexander the Great’s army. The hierarchical structure of the military environment strongly influences the established relationships. Mutual dependencies and factors that prevented the formation of collaborative relations in Alexander’s camp were analyzed. The causes of the described conflicts were analyzed based on a review of historical sources and the literature. Selected texts referencing disputes in Alexander’s army, with special emphasis on Hephaestion and other high-ranking officers, were examined. The analysis covered the period between 334 and 324 BCE.


Hellenistic period, Hephaestion, Eumenes, Craterus

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Oczachowska, K. (2024). Beloved Hephaestion – detested Hephaestion. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 11–23.

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