Published: 2024-08-311

Oskar Zlik’s letter to Felix Edouard Guérin-Ménevill in the collection of the Main Library of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris – an interesting testimony to the history of Silesian sericulture

Piotr Daszkiewicz
Echa Przeszłości


This article presents a letter written by the Silesian teacher and naturalist Oskar Zlik to the French entomologist and silkworm specialist Félix-Edouard Guérin-Ménevill. Zlik was honored with membership in the French Imperial Acclimatization Society. Japanese oak silkmoths were sent from Paris to Cieszyn, which enabled the introduction of this species to Silesia. The merits of Zlik's scientific research and teaching, and the historical context of sericulture development were described.


Oskar Zlik, Félix-Edouard Guérin-Méneville, Silesian sericulture, history of acclimatization, applied entomology

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Daszkiewicz, P. (2024). Oskar Zlik’s letter to Felix Edouard Guérin-Ménevill in the collection of the Main Library of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris – an interesting testimony to the history of Silesian sericulture. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 239–244.

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