Published: 2019-12-151

The military expenditures of Grand Crown Hetmans in the early 1650s based on the resources of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw

Dariusz Milewski
Echa Przeszłości


The article analyzes the structure of the military expenditures made by Crown Hetmans Marcin Kalinowski and Stanisław Rewera Potocki during the Cossack uprising in the Ukraine in 1651–1654. The strategic aims of military operations, the associated costs, and the growing political involvement of Tatar migrants in Poland are discussed


hetman, expenditure

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Milewski, D. (2019). The military expenditures of Grand Crown Hetmans in the early 1650s based on the resources of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/1).

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