Published: 2019-12-151

An overview of the history of settlement in Masuria

Grzegorz Białuński
Echa Przeszłości


The article overviews the history of settlement in Masuria (south-eastern Prussia) beginning from the conquest of Prussia by the Teutonic Order and the establishment of the Duchy of Prussia until the end of World War II. The first settlements were inhabited largely by Poles who migrated to Masuria from the neighboring region of Mazovia. German-speaking colonists began to settle in Masuria in the 18th century. In 1945, Masuria became a Polish voivodeship, and most German inhabitants were expelled from the region.


settlement, Masuria

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Białuński, G. (2019). An overview of the history of settlement in Masuria. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/1).

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