Published: 2020-08-211

Duel of scholars – conflict at the beginning of the National Nature Museum in Warsaw in the light of the preserved correspondence of Jan Sztolcman and Benedykt Dybowski

Dariusz Iwan , Piotr Daszkiewicz
Echa Przeszłości


The National Natural History Museum in Warsaw was established in the autumn of 1919. The zoological department of the newly-created museum in 1919 was one of the most important collections of this type in the world. The National Natural History Museum was created from the unification of collections of the Warsaw Zoological Cabinet and the collection of the Branicki Museum, a private collection created by Ksawery Branicki to protect zoological collections against possible confiscation by the Russian authorities. The creation of the museum, however, was not without problems and conflicts. In the article, we present one of them, between Konstanty Janicki, a parasitologist, acting as a official scientific authority, and curator of the collection, mainly Janusz Domaniewski. The correspondence of Sztolcman and Dybowski as well as the diaries related to the challenge for the duel are a valuable testimony to the history of science in Poland in the period after the First World War.


Warsaw zoological collection, science in Second Polish Republic, National Museum of Natural History, conflict of scientists

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Iwan, D., & Daszkiewicz, P. (2020). Duel of scholars – conflict at the beginning of the National Nature Museum in Warsaw in the light of the preserved correspondence of Jan Sztolcman and Benedykt Dybowski. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/2).

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