Published: 2020-12-011

Letters of Ludwik Młokosiewicz (1831-1909) to Antoni Waga (1799-1890) - a testimony of the Polish presence in the Caucasus and of the history of natural sciences in the 19th century

Piotr Daszkiewicz , Dariusz Iwan
Echa Przeszłości


The article presents and analyzes unknown letters from Młokosiewicz to Waga. These 10 letters from 1876-1880 are very valuable material for the history of natural sciences and the history of the Caucasus. They offer the opportunity to learn about the naturalists' workshop, the history of natural collections, the fauna and flora of the Caucasus and Persia and ethnological information from these areas. While also providing information on the organization of scientific expeditions, the letters give unique insights more specifically on the one organized by Konstanty Branicki to the Caucasus. They contain an interesting analysis of the political situation and descriptions of war hostilities. The letters also constitute an important contribution to the history of the Warsaw Zoological Cabinet


Antoni Waga, Ludwik Młokosiewicz, history of natural sciences, Poles in the Caucasus,Poles in the Caucasus, correspondence of naturalists

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Daszkiewicz, P., & Iwan, D. (2020). Letters of Ludwik Młokosiewicz (1831-1909) to Antoni Waga (1799-1890) - a testimony of the Polish presence in the Caucasus and of the history of natural sciences in the 19th century. Echa Przeszłości, (XXI/1).

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