Published: 2021-02-011

Postulates of right-wing and center-right political parties in Ukrainian parliamentary elections of 2014 – a comparative analysis of selected issues

Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk , Marian Lopata
Echa Przeszłości


This article discusses selected postulates made by victorious right-wing and center-right political parties in Ukraine’s pre-term parliamentary elections of 2014. The election programs of political parties that cleared the election threshold are compared. The ideology behind political programs based on the Comparative Manifesto Project is discussed. The paper identifies common areas in the election programs of right-wing and center-right parties, in particular their negative attitudes towards Russia and, in most part, their pro-EU and pro-NATO sentiments. The victorious right-wing and center-right parties advocated for strengthening the role of Ukrainian as the official language, greater integration with the EU, decentralization, implementation of strict anti-corruption measures, recovery of lost territories, and the reintegration of Crimea and Donbass. Most right-wing and center-right parties that cleared the election threshold in Ukrainian elections uphold conservative values. 


electoral programs, right-wing political parties, Ukraine, parliamentary elections, election threshold, differences in political programs

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Astramowicz-Leyk, T., & Lopata, M. (2021). Postulates of right-wing and center-right political parties in Ukrainian parliamentary elections of 2014 – a comparative analysis of selected issues. Echa Przeszłości, (XXI/2), 315–332.

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