Published: 2021-05-091

An unknown 16th century inventory of a manor house in Iława

Seweryn Szczepański
Echa Przeszłości


This paper concerns the inventory of the official’s manor in Iława (formerly Deutsch Eylau). In the 14th century, Iława was the seat of an official of the Teutonic Order known as a procurator (Pfleger), and in the 15th century this was replaced by a bailiff (Kammerer). After the secularisation of the Teutonic Order, Iława became the seat of the ducal elders (Starostei). Teutonic Order and ducal officials had their seat in the town. Its appearance and furnishings are documented in medieval inventories, published in the collection of the Das grosse Ämterbuch des Deutschen Ordens. Much less is known about the manor in Iława in the period after 1525. The inventory from the 16th century (ca. 1529–1534) which is published here, alongside an introduction to this inventory, aims to fill this gap.


Iława (formerly Deutsch Eylau), Teutonic Ordes Manor House, Ducal Elders Manor House, Duchy of Prussia, inventory

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Szczepański, S. (2021). An unknown 16th century inventory of a manor house in Iława. Echa Przeszłości, (XXII/1), 141–156.

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