Published: 2021-11-171

Józef Wacław Dąbrowski (1797-1862): Volhynian in the army of the Kingdom of Poland

Tomasz Ciesielski , Antoni Maziarz
Echa Przeszłości


This article relies on unknown memoirs that have never been analyzed by historians to trace the childhood and youth of Józef Wacław Dąbrowski, an officer in the army of the Kingdom of Poland, captain and major who commanded insurgent troops between the autumn of 1830 and the summer of 1831. Dąbrowski’s life and military career were in equal measure similar to and different from the typical stories encountered in the literature. They were similar to the extent that Dąbrowski was a representative of relatively affluent landed gentry and embarked on a military career in the rank of cadet. However, during his first year in the army, Dąbrowski was promoted to officer cadet and was enrolled in an officer cadet school to complete the training required to become a commissioned officer. Most cadets received their commission after years (five years in Dąbrowski’s case) because the Polish army suffered from a serious oversupply of officers. Promotions were also delayed, which led to conflict between the “old” officers who had risen through the ranks during their services in the armies of Napoleon and the Duchy of Warsaw, and the “young” officers. What made Dąbrowski different from a typical officer was his noble Volhynian lineage with influential connections in Lutsk county, an excellent education received at a Piarist college, his decision to leave the service relatively soon, as well as his insightful and critical views on the relationships in the army of the Kingdom of Poland.


Volhynia, (Congress) Kingdom of Poland, army of the Kingdom of Poland, Generals of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish landed gentry of the 19th century, November Uprising, Dąbrowski family

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Ciesielski, T., & Maziarz, A. (2021). Józef Wacław Dąbrowski (1797-1862): Volhynian in the army of the Kingdom of Poland. Echa Przeszłości, (XXII/2), 147–178.

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