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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation
The paper is accepted for publication when two positive reviews are received.

To the materials sent for publication, please attach the following information:
1. Author’s (Authors’) name(s) and surname(s), Author’s academic affiliation (Insti-tute/Department, University etc.), corresponding address and email address
2. Key words (5-7), title and summary in English (500-700 characters with spaces)

Manuscript length should be approximately 12 pages (A-4-format), including tables and charts.
Editor: MS Word; Font: Times New Roman - 12pts; Line spacing: 1.5; Margins: 2.5 cm (left, right, top, bottom).
It is acceptable to use italics or boldface for emphasis, but not underlining.
Titles of quoted book sources and articles (in the main text and bibliography) should be given in italics.
Quotations are marked by inverted commas (without italics), three full stops in brackets des-ignate omitted fragments. The same type of brackets should be employed for any authorial comments. Comments can be also placed in the footnotes (font: 10pts; Line spacing: 1.0).
One type of referencing is employed in the journal; in-text references should be provided ac-cording to the following convention:
[surname year of publication, page(s)], e.g. [Bralczyk 2007, 35]
[surname year of publication, volume, page(s)], e.g. [Куприн 1970-73, I, 339]
One reference list (Bibliografia, Bibliograhy, Bibliografie, Библиография) should be com-piled for the entire paper. Entries should be ordered alphabetically (according to authors’ sur-names or titles of collections of articles, catalogues, etc.).
Bibliographical entries in the Cyrillic script should be accompanied by their version translit-erated in line with PN-ISO 9:2000. Transliteration can be performed automatically at the web-site: (it has to be checked if the chosen system is PN-ISO 9:2000). In the entry, first there should come the transliterated version and then the Cyrillic version in square brackets.

Referencing guidelines
Bralczyk Jerzy. 2007. O języku propagandy i polityki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Trio.
Kuprin Aleksandr Ivanovič. 1970-1973. Sobranie sočinenij v devâti tomah. Moskva: Izda-telʹstvo Hudožestvennaâ Literatura [Куприн Александр Иванович. 1970-1973. Собрание сочинений в девяти томах. Москва: Издательство Художественная Литература].
Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku. Pojęcia i problemy wiedzy o kulturze. 1991. Red. Kło-skowska A. Wrocław: Wiedza o Kulturze.
Tolkovyj slovarʹ russkogoâzyka konca XX veka. Âzykovye izmeneniâ. 1998. Red. Sklârevskaâ G.N. Sankt-Peterburg: Folio-Press [Толковый словарь русского языка конца XX века. Языковые изменения. 1998. Pед. Скляревская Г.Н. Санкт-Петербург: Фолио-Пресс].

Book chapters
Bartmiński Jerzy. 2001. Język w kontekście kultury. W: Współczesny język polski. Red. Bart-miński J. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS: 13-22.
Editors’ surnames should be preceded by an appropriate abbreviation in the language of the publication (Red. Eds. Hrsg. Ред.)

Journal articles
Korpysz Tomasz. 2010. Słowniki języka autorów jako typ opracowań leksykograficz-nych. „Poradnik Językowy” nr 4: 51-72.

Online documents
Iomdin Boris. 2015. Semantika ponimaniâ: leksikografičeskij portret glagola ponimatʹ. V: [Dostup 14 IV 2015]. [Иомдин Бо-рис. 2015. Семантика понимания: лексикографический портрет глагола понимать. В: [Доступ 14 IV 2015].
Kawka Maciej. Trzy edytorstwa czy jedno? O potrzebie kształcenia wydawców książek w Akademii Pedagogicznej. Kraków. W: [Dostęp 14 IV 2015].