Process of construction and composition of the Slavonic services, translated from Byzantine

Evelina Mineva

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


The conclusions in the present paper are based on the material of Byzantine hymns for St Parasceve, which have been translated into Slavonic. To construct a whole service for a saint the translators chose hymns from two main categories: hymns with a more general content, which can migrate from one service to another regardless of the feast (e.g. “theotokia”) and hymns for a certain saint. Depending on their education and talent as well as on the available ‘repertoire’ of Byzantine hymns, the translators modified the original so that they can adapt it for the certain feast (e.g. hymns for St Parasceve of Rome were adapted for St Parasceve of Epibatae).


Slavonic, Byzantine, services, St Parasceve

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Cited by

Mineva, E. (2020). Process of construction and composition of the Slavonic services, translated from Byzantine. Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae, 2(2), 93–104.

Evelina Mineva 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens