Published: 2018-09-261

A Short Outline of the Philosophical Aspects of the Questions for Creativity

Adam Bastek


Creation is a deep and meaningful notion. It has many meanings and is considered to have even more. In its context free form, it can be described as the act of making something new out of nothing or bringing something new out of nothing or bringing something entirely new into being. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is hard to consider emptiness as a condition under which the novelty arises, and to think of novelty arises, and to think of novelty as of something that never existed before. It is the role of philosophy to formulate these issues into problems. The author of the text attempts to match the task by illustrating the changes that have taken place on the field of western philosophy in the light of the question for creativity. The text concentrates on the most significant moments, performing at the same time a kind of initial analysis in the wide spectrum of philosophical correlations. It also puts an emphasis on the argument, according to which creation is an answer to the main question of the contemporary metaphysics, it also reveals the relation between creationism and transcendental form of the post-Cartesian philosophy.

The article does not serve the purpose of peripheral quest. The analyses that have been made are mainly concentrated on the main links of the history of philosophy – since the presentation of the basic conditions of creating (ex nihilo and novelty) is doomed to analysis of the most important problems of onthology and metaphysics: what is existence? what is nihility? In what way can we formulate ide idea of existence as existence? Why do we deal with existence rather than nihility? What is the difference between existence and being? – these are examples of the same problems originating from onthological and metaphysical considerations, which could have, in the past, and can, in the future influence the direction to which the matter under discussion will evolve.


horizontal creativity, vertical creativity, the difference between exploring, exploring on poiesis way, exploring way on creatio way

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Bastek, A. (2018). A Short Outline of the Philosophical Aspects of the Questions for Creativity. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (4), 23–44. Retrieved from

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