Published: 2018-10-081

Simple-mindedness as a Basis of the Teraphy

Alfred Skorupka


The article is the introduction into the euthyphronic therapy, i. e. the new psychological therapy inspired philosophical disciplines: the euthyphronic and the ethics of simple-mindedness, created by prof. Józef Bańka. The central idea is „simple-mindedness”; „simple-minded man” (homo euthyphronicus) pursues a harmony between the sphere of mind (phronesis) and the sphere of emotions (thymos). In the euthyphronic therapy disease and disturbances, they are dealed as more or less lasting conflict and the lack between the sphere of mind (phronesis) and the sphere of emotions (thymos). In the work author concentrates on the fundamental for the presented concept lower and higher simple-mindedness, which argues with ideas of Abraham H. Maslow, the most known representative of the humanistic psychology. The lower simple-mindedness is made up of the following features: spontaneity, creation, empathy, trust and the need of friendship and love. However, to people who introduce the higher simple-mindedness (the morality of

self-realization people), we attribute such features: perceiving world a recentiori, the attitude of the wanderer, the higher behaviour simple-minded and lasting state of simple-mindedness. The euthyphronic therapy tries to integrate philosophical and psychological knowledge to understand more precise the problem of the psychological life of the human being.


euthyphronic therapy, simple-mindedness, ethics of simple-mindedness, recentivism

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Skorupka, A. (2018). Simple-mindedness as a Basis of the Teraphy. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (11), 47–57. Retrieved from

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