Published: 2018-10-101

Whitehead’s Epistemology in the Context of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s Objections Presented in „The Review of Alfred North Whitehead’s Views”

Agnieszka Biegalska


Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz presented in The Review o f Alfred North Whitehead’s Views many critical remarks with regard to process philosophy (natural philosophy) and its author. The main aim of The Review was “to indicate the lack of need of philospohy of nature in general”. This text is an attempt to illustrate the crucial objections of Witkiewicz to Whitehead’s epistemology. Witkiewcz focused his remarks around two key notions: “prehension” and “object” (he particularly concentrates on the notion of “perceptual object”). In connection with this, an analysis of many crucial notions of Whitehead’s epistemology was carried out in this article. Against this background the author of this article makes an attempt to verify Witkiewicz’s standpoint on processual epistemology.


apprehension, cognitive apprehension, uncognitive apprehension, prehensive unification, prehension, recognition, percipience, perceive, object, sense-object, perceptual objects, eternal objects, event

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Biegalska, A. (2018). Whitehead’s Epistemology in the Context of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz’s Objections Presented in „The Review of Alfred North Whitehead’s Views”. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (10), 39–50. Retrieved from

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