Published: 2018-10-161

On the Style of Philosophy of a Broker on the Stock Market of Philosophical Ideas

Zdzisława Piątek


The essay: On the Style of Philosophy of a Broker on the Stock Market of Philosophical Ideas is my reply to Mikołaj Niedek’s polemics: Illusion of the Mechanistic Reason. My argument demonstrates that Niedek’s polemics is completely misguided since it is based on an erroneous assumption. Contrary to what Niedek assumes the paradigm determining my discussion of eco-philosophy is an evolutionist paradigm. The fact that 1 embrace the evolutionist paradigm does not, however, entail my assumption that the mechanistic paradigm and technology are works of Satan.


eco-philosophy, anthropocentrism, finalism, teleology, teleonomy, the creative aspect of evolution

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Piątek, Z. (2018). On the Style of Philosophy of a Broker on the Stock Market of Philosophical Ideas. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (8), 183–190. Retrieved from

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