Published: 2018-10-231

The Problem of Legitimization of Science and Technology Under the Circumstances of the Ecological Crisis

Andrzej Kiepas


The author of the article touches upon the problem of legitimization of science and technology and of its outcome, which presently, in the face of the ecological crisis should be seen from a brand new perspective. This kind of attitude is connected with the urge to abandon the traditional way of considering science and technology as two, ethically neutral and axiologically independent, disciplines. In his article the author discusses basic assumptions characteristic for the traditional way of understanding the role of science and technology, while, at the same time, the modern changes are associated with the new way in which their responsibility is perceived. The contemporary process of legitimization of science and technology is strongly influenced by the rules od ethics since the process is based on the co-operation of various phenomena and it sheds some responsibility on them.


legitimization, science, technology, evaluation of science and technology

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Kiepas, A. (2018). The Problem of Legitimization of Science and Technology Under the Circumstances of the Ecological Crisis. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (5), 35–44. Retrieved from

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