Published: 2018-10-281

Marian Zdziechowski on the Idea of Religious Modernism

Dariusz Barbaszyński


The author of the article analyzes Marian Zdziechowski’s views concerning the idea of religious modernism. This kind of a spiritual phenomena was seen by the philosopher as the chance of deepening the religious experience – the urge to reach the fundamental and the highest source of truth. Religious modernism was also perceived by Zdziechowski as the concept regarding the ontic and the real dimension of the evil. In this sense the idea contested the optimism characteristic of rationalism that treats the evil as the accident. Included in the necessary, stable and ever victorious formula of the logos.

The article includes also some references to the modernistic thought of Loisy, Newman, Tyrell, Blondel as well as to the ideas of the Polish representatives of this notion: Towiański, Rostworowski, Mieszkisa and Dobraniewski. Their views concerning the essence of religion are thoroughly analyzed and confronted with the concept of Marian Zdziechowski.


Modernism, pessimism, the evil, irrationalism, church, individualism

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Barbaszyński, D. (2018). Marian Zdziechowski on the Idea of Religious Modernism. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (5), 205–214. Retrieved from

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