Published: 2018-10-291

Between the Ways of Creating the Means of Appreciation of Beauty in Art and Extracting the Essence of Beauty

Adam Bastek


Contemporary philosophy goes into two major directions: creating and discovering. Under such circumstances the position of philosophy, both the one involved in discovering on ‘creatio’ way and the one discovering on ‘poiesis’ way, is determined. Furthermore, there exists a clear distinction between the philosophy of the unconscious gap between discovering and creating and the philosophy that deals with cultivating the difference. The philosophy that is involved in ‘creatio’ discovers as well, however, in the first place it is unaware of its discovering abilities, and secondly, its technique of discovering is different from that represented by the ‘poiesis’, by extracting. This kind of philosophy ‘creates’ the correct exposition of truth, ‘creates’ values, ‘creates’ the ways of appreciation of beauty – and in ‘creating’ it reveals the incapacity in creating the exposition of truth, in creating the ‘legitimate truth’, in creating the ways of perceiving beauty. Such incapacity is overridden by bringing something ‘better’ to existence. The philosophy of the discovery – oriented type does not discover the incapacity within a given kind of philosophical products, but in the very moment of creating new exposition of truth, new values, new ways of appreciation, and because of that it does not reduce the role of a philosopher to the unconscious producer. This way it extracts. It concentrates on extracting, that is reaching the hidden essence. It is conscious of its own position between discovering on ‘creatio’ way and discovering on ‘poiesis’ way. The article concentrates mainly on the existence of the two mentioned above aspects seen as the self – consciousness of metaphysics.


Creation, extracting, discovering, beauty, aesthetic experience, aesthetics

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Bastek, A. (2018). Between the Ways of Creating the Means of Appreciation of Beauty in Art and Extracting the Essence of Beauty. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (5), 275–286. Retrieved from

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