Published: 2018-12-201

Ethnos as a Basis of Cultural Identity

Halina Mielicka-Pawłowska
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: ARTICLES Faith – religion – church


Identification with the ethnic or national group is so complicated, that determine the diversity of cultures. The mechanism that separates the representatives of their own culture is associated with the axiological interpretations behaviours that are represented in the other cultures. I suppose that cultural identity is determined by the four elements: language, customs, history and religion. They are created distinct systems by the correlation with the interpretative level of culture. I assume that the particularly important for ethnos identity is the religion and religious morality.  That is associated with emotionally aspects of behaviours and the other elements of cultural identity.


ethnos, etos, cultural universals, cultural diversity

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Mielicka-Pawłowska, H. (2018). Ethnos as a Basis of Cultural Identity. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (24), 193–209.

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