Published: 2018-08-121

First Ten Years of Plastic Arts in Olsztyn

Ewa Gładkowska
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


The paper deals with the achievements of the Olsztyn artists in the first decade after the Second World War. It presents some research result concerning this theme. Having in a certain perspective, it is possible to look – in an objective way – at the situation of art during the first post-war years and later, in the time of socialist realism which is here perceived not only as un unusual artistic phenomenon, but also a social one. Some cultural and political aspects of artistic activity conducted on the so called Regained Territories are emphasized in the paper. The achievements of the Olsztyn artists are placed against a general background und of the Polish art history of the period in question. Moreover, an attempt to show the role played by art in the years 1946-1956, as well as the factors which used to determine artistic attitudes at that time, is made in the paper.


exhibition, fine arts of Olsztyn, artistic orientation, art of socialist realism, cultural tradition

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Gładkowska, E. (2018). First Ten Years of Plastic Arts in Olsztyn. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (1), 21–32.

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